Corporate Responsibility
As a veteran and a leader in the market, we at Diesenhaus view corporate responsibility as a primary value. We believe that our business activities are a small component in the great global picture, a belief translated into environmental and community involvement that encompasses monetary donations as well as volunteer hours, in Israel and in the world. As a tourism conglomerate, we try to choose projects that reflect social responsibility in a tourism context and to leverage them using our business experience and expertise. These are detailed below:

As a large tourism company, we know how important it is to our clients to see the world as it is: natural, clean and clear. This is the reason that we have combined forces with 4ocean that works to clean up plastic refuse in the oceans for a cleaner environment.
Our Community

As a leading company in Israel, Diesenhaus not only works to benefit the environment but also is committed to contributing to the Israeli community. In the past three years, this has taken the form of support for “Wings – Art is the Answer” – a not-for-profit multidisciplinary center of the arts that brings together artists who have undergone emotional crises.